Characteristics of women’s death by violence according to necropsies carried out in the Callao morgue
Kelly M. Casana-Jara 1,2, Doctor of Legal Medicine, Doctor of Public Management and Governance
1 Instituto de
Medicina Legal y Ciencias Forenses, Lima, Perú.
2 Escuela de Posgrado, Universidad Privada Norbert Wiener, Lima,
The objective was to describe the characteristics of women’s deaths by violence according to autopsies performed at the Callao morgue from 2016 to 2018. The forensic records of 83 women were reviewed and it was found that women’s deaths by violence occurred most often in adulthood. Traffic accidents were found to be the most common cause. The most frequent location of the fatal injury was in the head segment. Most of the corpse removal took place on the public road. The district with the most cases was Callao. It is important that the authorities commit to creating, installing and following an action plan to prevent women’s deaths by violence in Callao.
Keywords: Autopsy; Cause of Death; Violence; Violence against Women; Cadaver; Traffic accident; Craniocerebral Trauma; Multiple Trauma; Homicide (source: MeSH NLM).
death or death from unnatural causes is considered to be of traumatic origin
(mechanical factors, physical objects, asphyxia, toxic elements, thermal
factors, etc.) and/or when medico-legal etiology corresponds to a homicide, suicide
or accident (1). Globally, violent events that do not necessarily
imply death are at the top of the epidemiological profile in all social strata.
The World Health Organization (WHO) defines violence as “the intentional
use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another
person, or against a group or community, that either results in or has a high
likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, maldevelopment, or deprivation” (2). The WHO
also reports that more than 15,000 people die in one day as a result of a
violent event, such as road traffic incidents (23%), others (21%) (asphyxiation, poisonous animal bites, hypo- and
hyperthermia, and natural disasters), suicide (15%), homicide (11%), falls
(8%), drowning (7%), burns (6%), poisoning (6%) and war (3%) (3).
In Peru, the most common forms of violence against women are beatings,
asphyxiation, use of knives, use of firearms, crushing, decapitation, burns, among others (4). All acts of violence
constitute a public health problem because they cause physical injury,
disability, sequelae, diminished quality of life and finally death (5).
Legal necropsy is a medical, technical and scientific procedure that
allows to establish the cause, time, causative agent,
manner and mechanisms of death, as well as the identification of the deceased,
which will provide evidence that contributes to the proper administration of
justice. It is carried out by order of the authority in charge of the
investigation (public prosecutor, judge). The autopsy is performed in
medicolegal cases, such as violent deaths (unnatural, accidents, suicides and
homicides), suspicious deaths (those that may be violent), sudden and
unexpected deaths, deaths without medical assistance and deaths in prison (6).
It is important to understand the characteristics of violent death in
women from a medicolegal point of view. Not only from a gender perspective, nor
from the legal figure of femicide, but also in the
context of a case series of violent death, in order to understand the causative
agents, the most vulnerable body segments, the management of trauma, among
others. This will help to identify this problem in the constitutional province
of Callao.
Therefore, the objective of this research is to describe the characteristics
of women’s death by violence who underwent necropsy at
the Callao morgue from 2016 to 2018.
Motivation for the study: Violent deaths of women increases and not all of them correspond to gender-focused violence, since similar characteristics may constitute accidental deaths. Main findings: The most frequent cause of death was found to be traffic events, and the head segment was the most injured anatomical area. In most of them the public road was the primary site of death. Implications: It is important to establish the cause of death in order to differentiate the legal implications of injuries and those linked to femicide. |
case series study was conducted. The first data was obtained from the DICETA
statistical report (Callao morgue software). In this system, the general data
of the deceased, the requesting authority, the necropsy findings, auxiliary
examinations, the cause of death and the causative agent are all registered. A
total of 83 cases of women with a violent death were identified. The legal
autopsies requested by the authorities in charge of the investigation were
carried out between January 2016 and December 2018 in Callao morgue. Necropsy
protocols of the selected cases were then reviewed. The reports of the necropsy
protocols corresponding to women aged 12 years or older with a violent death
were included, and those that did not have a determined cause of death or a
definitive causative agent were excluded.
Demographic variables were analyzed by age groups according to the
classification of the Ministry of Health’s Comprehensive Care Program (7):
adolescent (12-17 years old), young (18‑29 years old), adult (30 59 years
old) and elderly (over 60 years old). Variables were also analyzed by Callao
districts: Bellavista, Callao, Carmen de la Legua Reynoso, La Perla, La Punta, Mi
Perú, and Ventanilla; by
place of occurrence according to the report on the corpse removal (the forensic
document drawn up by the forensic doctor in the presence of the public
prosecutor included in the necropsy protocol): house, hospital, hotel, open
land, river, public road; by the causative agent of the violent death: contuse
agent, cervical constricting element, physical object, liquid, firearm
projectile, tip or edge, transit event; and by the topographic anatomy, that
is, the segment where the injury causing death was located: abdomen, head,
neck, extremities, multiple (three or more body segments), thoracoabdominal
and thorax.
This research is of a scientific nature, with statistical and
epidemiological purposes, and the identification and reservation of cases is
protected. The information found in the database corresponds to the
surveillance system of the Institutional Operational Plan of the Institute of
Legal Medicine and the Crime Observatory of the Public Prosecutor’s Office.
The corresponding permits were obtained from the Institute of Legal
Medicine and Forensic Sciences to access the database and subsequently publish
the findings. The data obtained was collected in a template (data collection
sheet) designed by the author, and processed in Microsoft Excel program to
calculate frequencies and percentages.
review of Callao morgue’s computer system showed that 571 autopsies were
performed in 2016, from which 20 (3.5%) were women’s violent deaths; 520
autopsies were performed in 2017, from which 37 (7.0 %) were women’s violent
deaths and it was found that 579 autopsies were performed in 2018, from which
26 (4.5 %) were women’s violent deaths. A total of 83 cases were found in the 3
years. The age group of 30-59 years old was the most frequent with a total of
35 cases (42.2%) (Table 1).
Table 1.
Characteristics of women’s violent deaths, according to autopsies performed in
the Callao morgue, Peru, 2016-2018
Characteristics |
n (%) |
Cases per year a |
2017 |
37/579 (7.0) |
2018 |
26/520 (4.5) |
2016 |
20/571 (3.5) |
Age group (years) |
12-17 |
6 (7.2) |
18-29 |
15 (18.1) |
30-59 |
35 (42.2) |
60 and over |
27 (32.5) |
Causative agent |
Traffic event |
26 (31.3) |
Blunt object |
21 (25.3) |
Firearm projectile |
15 (18.1) |
Cervical constrictive element |
12 (14.5) |
Pointed or sharp object |
5 (6.0) |
Physical b |
3 (3.6) |
Liquid c |
1 (1.2) |
Topographic Anatomy |
Head |
27 (32.5) |
Various d |
23 (27.7) |
Neck |
17 (20.5) |
Thorax |
8 (9.6) |
Thoracoabdominal |
5 (6.0) |
Limbs |
2 (2.4) |
Abdomen |
1 (1.2) |
Occurrence location |
Public road |
34 (41.0) |
Hospital |
26 (31.3) |
Home |
19 (22.9) |
Hotel |
2 (2.4) |
River |
1 (1.2) |
Waste ground |
1 (1.2) |
a The denominator is the number of necropsies per year; b
Direct fire, electric current; c water, d three or more
body segments.
The main cause for women’s violent death were
traffic events, that resulted in 26 deaths (31.3%), followed by contusions,
which resulted in 21 deaths (25.3%). In accordance with topographic anatomy,
the head was identified as the body segment whose injury directly caused the
death of 27 (32.5%) women. In accordance with the report on the corpse removal,
the most frequent place of occurrence for these deaths were the public roads,
with 34 cases (41.0%), and the hospitals, 26 cases (31.3%). In terms of
geographical location by district, Callao had 40 cases (48.2%); Bellavista, with 25 (30.1%); Ventanilla,
with 11 (13.3%); Carmen de la Legua Reynoso, 4
(4.8%); and finally the district of La Perla, 3 (3.6%).
largest number of cases, during the three years, occurred in 2017, almost three
months after the end of the state of emergency in Callao (8); this
information shows the dynamic state of violence and its relationship to death.
The most frequent age group was 30-59 years old; which correlates with
international investigations of violent deaths in general, with age groups
ranging from 18 to 44 years old (9), from 15 to 34 years old (10),
from 20 to 40 years old (11) and with what is reported by the Public
Ministry’s Office at the national level (12).
According to this study, transit events were the main direct cause of
death, which coincides with the research carried out in Colombia during
1997-2003 (13), and also correlates with the results of a study in
Tijuana (Mexico), where 55% of women died because they were hit by a car (14).
This differs from what was reported in Argentina, where transit events were the
second most frequent cause of death (15). This information varies
between countries such as Argentina, Brazil and Colombia, the latter showing an
exponential increase in this same cause of death (16).
The second most frequent cause of violent death found was injury by
blunt object. This coincides with what Arias, et al. described in a
study on violent deaths in the region of Callao (17) and is
related to what Serfaty, et al. found in a
study carried out in Argentina that reports violent deaths in adolescents and
young adults (15). Other injuries were caused by projectiles from
firearms. This finding confirms their illegal presence in the streets, which
has been described by Meneses (18) in
Mexico and by Arias, et al. in the Callao region (17). It has
also been reported by González, et al. in a Mexican investigation where
firearms were reported (19). In a Colombian study, violent deaths
with trauma were caused by projectiles from a firearm, contusions, and stab
wounds (20).
During the external and internal examination of the corpse, the head
segment was identified as the one with the highest frequency of injury. Similar
evidence was found in Mexico in an investigation of violent deaths from firearm
projectiles (21). When reviewing the corpse removal report, it was
found that the place of occurrence of these deaths were primary scenarios
(where death occurred) and secondary scenarios (where the injury did not occur,
but death happened), among them the public road, followed by hospitals.
Between 2014 and 2015, 486 reports of violent death necropsies were
reviewed at the Institute of Forensic Medicine in Cuiabá, Brazil. They found
that 68.1% of the deaths were people between 20 and 49 years old, information
which correlates with data found in Callao. It was also identified that 64.4%
of the deaths occurred in public roads, relevant data similar to data obtained
in this research. It is described that the most frequent cause of death (74.4%)
was traumatic brain injury and hypovolemic shock.
Despite multiple attempts to reduce violence, such as emergency states
declared on several occasions by the Peruvian Government, Callao still is a
province where citizen security efforts must be redoubled, as reflected in the
findings of this study. Similar results have been described in a study
conducted with data from 2003 to 2012 in the same province (17).
The strengths of the study include working at the institutional
headquarters in charge of the necropsies and having experience in forensics.
Among the limitations of this study, it must be considered that cases without a
definitive diagnosis were not included, neither were deaths that occurred in
Callao but were transferred to the Central Morgue of Lima due to police or
prosecutorial jurisdiction.
In conclusion, from the 83 cases of women’s violent death, most of them occurred to adults; traffic events were the most frequent causal agents, most of the fatal injuries were located in the head segment; most cases occurred in the public roads and, finally, Callao had the highest number of cases among all districts evaluated. This is the reason why, national authorities should participate creating means to manage integrated public policies; and relay on local authorities, including the fiscal and medico-legal sectors; in order to create, install and follow a plan of action to prevent violence, including a schedule for judicial, educational, health and social welfare activities.
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Citation: Casana-Jara KM. Characteristics of women’s death by violence according to necropsies carried out in the Callao morgue. Rev Peru Med Exp Salud Publica. 2020;37(2):297-301. doi: https://doi.org/10.17843/rpmesp.2020.372.5111
Correspondence to: Kelly M. Casana Jara; calle Bernardino Gutiérrez 178, Pueblo Libre, Lima, Perú; kelly_casana@hotmail.com.
contributions: KMCJ conceived, designed and wrote this
article; also collected, analyzed and interpreted the data obtained.
of Interest: No conflict of interest.
Funding: Self-funded.
Received: 17/01/2020
Approved: 25/03/2020
Online: 05/06/2020