Molecular characterization of carbapenemases in Peru during 2019
Maritza Miriam
Mayta-Barrios 1, Biologist, Master of Science 1 Laboratorio de
Referencia Nacional de Infecciones Intrahospitalarias, Instituto Nacional de
Salud, Lima, Perú.
Resistance to carbapenems is a public health problem. This study presents
the identification of carbapenemase enzymes in Enterobacteriaceae,
Pseudomonas spp. and Acinetobacter spp. present in strains from
30 institutions that provide health services in Peru as part of the quality
control process in diagnoses. Phenotypic confirmation and enzymatic
identification were performed using the Blue CARBA test and the synergy test
with phenylboronic acid and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid/sodium
mercaptoacetic acid discs. 185 strains with carbapenemases were identified:
78 in Enterobacteriaceae, 61 in P. aeruginosa and 46 in
Acinetobacter spp. The types of carbapenemases identified were: blaKPC,
blaNDM, blaIMP, blaVIM, blaOXA-23, blaOXA-24,
blaOXA-51 and the blaVIM/IMP co-production. It is important to
strengthen the promotion of the rational use of antimicrobials and
epidemiological surveillance in the country's hospitals. Keywords: Drug
resistance; Carbapenemases; Acinetobacter; Enterobacteriaceae; Pseudomonas;
Peru (source: MeSH NLM). INTRODUCTION Infections caused by
bacteria that are multiresistant to antibiotics are a global public health
problem due to the great impact they have on morbidity and mortality; they
caused nearly 250,000 deaths in 2017 (1). Because of this, the
World Health Organization (WHO) published a list of priority bacteria to be
monitored due to their greater risk to human health and the hospital
environment, including species such as Acinetobacter baumannii,
Pseudomonas spp. and the carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae
family (2). These species and
especially gram-negative carbapenemase enzyme-forming bacteria (3)
have been reported since the 1990s (4) and are currently
categorized into enzyme families of different classes (A, B, C and D). Some
of these classes, such as the metallo-β-lactamases (MBLs) initially
represented a threat in few geographic areas, but later expanded to areas of
Europe, Asia and America, and now is considered an epidemic that generates
resistance to multiple drugs (5). In Latin America and the
Caribbean, classes A, B and D described by Ambler (6) were
identified; the KPC type (isolated for the first time in 2001 in the United
States) predominates among the mobile genetic elements and integrons of
these 3 classes (7). This suggests that specific strains have
successfully spread, becoming endemic in some countries such as Brazil,
Colombia, Argentina and Mexico (8). Therefore, the aim of this
study is to describe the current status of circulating carbapenemases in
Peru in order to strengthen epidemiological surveillance of
healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) and multidrug-resistant bacteria, as
well as to strengthen the rational use of antimicrobials program (RUAP) in
public and private hospitals. KEY MESSAGES Motivation for the
In Peru, resistance to carbapenems is a public health problem, there is an
increasing dissemination of multidrug-resistant bacteria encoded mostly by
plasmids that can pass from one bacterial genus to another; therefore, it is
necessary to know the types of genes circulating in the country. Main findings: We
identified 185 strains with class A, B and D carbapenemase enzymes from 30
health care institutions in Peru during 2019. Their prevalence was 59.7%,
class B was the most frequent, and the most frequently detected genes were
blaNDM, blaIMP, blaOXA24-like, blaKPC and blaOXA23-like. Implications:
Information on the health impact of carbapenem resistance should help
strengthen epidemiological surveillance programs. THE STUDY Descriptive observational
cross-sectional study conducted on strains from 30 health care institutions
(HCI) from 12 regions of Peru from January to December 2019. The population
consisted of 331 strains sent for diagnostic confirmation to the National
Referral Laboratory for Intrahospital Infections (LRNIIH) of the Instituto
Nacional de Salud (INS). For the identification of
the strains, we used selective culture media such as MacConkey agar and
biochemical media (Citrate, TSI, LIA, MIO, Urea) (9), of the
Becton and Dickinson brand. Antimicrobial sensitivity was determined by the
Kirby Bauer method and the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) by the
Epsilon Test method (E-Test, Liofilchem) following the interpretation
guidelines for halos proposed by the CLSI (Clinical and Laboratory Standards
Institute) (10). We used the Blue CARBA test for phenotypic
confirmation of carbapenemase production (11), and for
identification, we used the synergy test with phenylboronic acid discs (APB,
Liofilchem) and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid/sodium mercaptoacetic acid
(EDTA/SMA, Bioanalyse). Internal quality controls for sensitivity discs and
culture media were performed with strains from the Antimicrobial Service of
the National Referral Laboratory for Antimicrobial Resistance INEI-ANLIS Dr.
Carlos G. Malbrán in Argentina. Bacterial DNA extraction
was obtained from previously identified carbapenem-resistant strains using
the supernatant for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification using
specific primers designed for blaKPC, blaNDM, blaIMP,
blaVIM, blaOXA-23, blaOXA-24, blaOXA-51, blaOXA-58,
blaOXA-48, and blaOXA-143 (12). Finally, the products
were analyzed on a 1.5% agarose gel in an ultraviolet (UV) transilluminator
(Figure 1) using positive and negative controls obtained from the INEI-ANLIS
Latin American Quality Control Program strain collection.
Figure 1. Polymerase chain reaction products
observed in 1.5% agarose gel under ultraviolet light transilluminator. Regarding ethical
considerations, we maintained strict confidentiality of the data from the
institutions from which the strains were obtained, as we followed the
regulations of the Helsinki Declaration. This research was carried out
within the framework of the quality control process for diagnostic
confirmation of samples sent to the INS from HCIs nationwide. Finally, the
approval of an Ethics Committee was not required due to the characteristics
previously described. FINDINGS A total of 331 strains were
obtained from 12 regions of the country, 70% (n=21) from MINSA HCIs and 23%
(n=7) from EsSalud. Most HCIs were located in Lima and Callao (56.7%; n=17).
Of these strains, 21 were initially excluded because they were not viable or
were contaminated, resulting in a final sample of 310 viable isolates. Of
these, 87.4% (n=271) were gram-negative bacteria. The prevalence of
carbapenemases was 59.7% (n=185), of which 42.2% (n=78) corresponded to
Enterobacteriaceae; 32.9% (n=61) to P. aeruginosa and 24.9% (n=46) to
Acinetobacter spp. Additionally, 27.7% (n=86) were strains sensitive to
carbapenems. Regarding the geographical
distribution of carbapenemases, Figure 2 shows distribution by region and,
in the case of Lima, by district based on the location of the HCI. A greater
number of carbapenemase isolates were found in MINSA (18.4%) and EsSalud
(81.6%) institutions, and in the regions of Cusco (12.4%), La Libertad
(6.4%), Callao (6.4%) and Lambayeque (4.9%). 1: Víctor Ramos Guardia Hospital (MINSA), 2: Abancay
Regional Hospital (MINSA), 3: Alberto Seguin Escobedo Hospital (ESSALUD), 4:
Ayacucho Regional Hospital (MINSA), 5: Cusco Regional Hospital (MINSA), 6:
Antonio Lorena Hospital (MINSA), 7: Ica Regional Hospital (MINSA), 8: Daniel
Alcides Carrión Regional Hospital of Junín (MINSA), 9: Trujillo Teaching
Regional Hospital (MINSA), 10: Luis Heyen Inchaustegui Hospital (ESSALUD),
11: Lambayeque Regional Hospital (MINSA), 12: Iquitos Hospital III (ESSA-
LUD), 13: Loreto Hospital Regional (MINSA), 14: Carlos Lanfranco La Hoz
Hospital (MINSA), 15: Sergio E. Bernales Hospital (MINSA), 16: Hipólito
Unanue Hospital (MINSA), 17: Dos de Mayo Hospital (MINSA), 18: Grau
Emergency Hospital (ESSALUD), 19: Instituto Nacional del Niño (MINSA), 20:
Santa Rosa Hospital (MINSA), 21: Edgardo Rebagliati Martins Hospital
(ESSALUD), 22: Central Military Hospital, 23: H. Emergency Hospital Villa el
Salvador (MINSA), 24: Instituto Nacional de Rehabilitación (MINSA), 25:
María Auxiliadora Hospital (MINSA), 26: FAP Central Hospital, 27: Instituto
Nacional de Enfermedades Neoplásicas (MINSA), 28: Daniel Alcides Carrión
Hospital (MINSA), 29: Alberto Sabogal Sologuren Hospital (ESSALUD), 30: A.
Leonardo Barton Hospital (ESSALUD). Figure 2: Distribution of Class A, B and D
Carbapenemases in Peru during 2019, by geographic area. Carbapenemases from class A
were reported in 12.4% (n=23) of the cases, with the blaKPC type
found in Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli. According
to the type of carbapenemases, class A was reported in 12.4% (n=23), with
the blaKPC type found in Klebsiella pneumoniae and
Escherichia coli. Class B was reported in 62.7% (n=116) of the cases,
with blaNDM type (n=57) found in K. pneumoniae, E.
coli, Providencia rettgeri; and in P. aeruginosa, blaIMP
type (n=32) and blaVIM type (n=13) as well as blaIMP/VIM type
coproduction (n=14) were found. Class D was reported in 24.9% (n=46) with
only blaOXA23-like and blaOXA24-like types found in
Acinetobacter spp. The blaOXA51-like gene weakly hydrolyzes
penicillins and carbapenems and is used as a species marker for A.
baumannii, and was not reported in this series (Table 1). Table 1. Types of
carbapenemase according to strain in health care institutions in Peru in
Carbapenemase Type
n (185)
Class A (n=23;
12.4 %)
KPC (Escherichia
Class B (n=116;
NDM (Providencia rettgeri)
VIM (Pseudomonas aeruginosa)
class D (n=46;
(Acinetobacter spp.)
0.0 KPC: Klebsiella pneumoniae producer of carbapenemase, NDM:
New Delhi metallo-beta-lactamase, IMP: imipenem-hydrolyzing
metallo-beta-lactamase, VIM: Verona integron-encoded metallo-beta-lactamase. Antimicrobial resistance
was found in 50% (n=39) of Enterobacteriaceae, mainly against fosfomycin
(therapeutic option for carbapenem-resistant strains); regarding
Pseudomonas spp., resistance to ceftolozane/tazobactam was reported in
all cases and in Acinetobacter spp. resistance to minocycline was
38.4% (n=17). DISCUSSION In 1988 the first
carbapenemase was reported in Japan, and five years later it was reported
for the first time in a Latin American country (Argentina), initiating a
chain of reports up to the present time (8,13). In 2013 in Peru
the first case of blaKPC-2 carbapenemases in a K. pneumoniae
strain derived from a blood culture at the Hospital Nacional Arzobispo
Loayza was reported (14). Since that first report, cases have
increased, even showing the presence of resistance genes (15). Regarding class A
carbapenemases, the blaKPC type identified in this study is the third
most frequently reported (12.4%) and is present in 23 strains of
Enterobacteriaceae (22 in K. pneumoniae and 1 in E. coli) in
four regions of the country (Arequipa, Lima, Lambayeque and Callao). This
gene was first reported in 2005 in Colombia (8) and was the first
blaKPC reported in Peru (Lima) (14-16). Its increased and
distributed presence in HCIs in highly populated regions is an important
finding, since its presence in blood is associated with high lethality rates
in hospitalized patients receiving effective antibiotic treatment (17). Class B was the most
frequent type of carbapenemase reported in this study (62.7%), 53 blaNDM
gene strains were identified (44 in K. pneumoniae; 9 in E. coli),
which were found in six regions of the country (Ancash, Cusco, Lambayeque,
Loreto, Lima and Callao). The first worldwide report of these strains was in
Sweden in 2008 in a patient from India (8) and later in 2011 the
first case in Latin America was identified in Guatemala (8,18).
In Peru, this strain was first reported in 2013 at the Edgardo Rebagliati
Martins National Hospital and subsequently spread throughout the national
territory(15,18). The blaVIM gene was found in 7.0% (n=13)
of the total carbapenemases analyzed in this study and present in P.
aeruginosa strains from three HCIs in Lima and Loreto. Regarding the blaIMP
gene in our study, we found it in 17.3% of the total samples, being detected
in P. aeruginosa strains from ten HCIs in six regions (Apurímac,
Ayacucho, Cusco, Loreto, Lima and Callao). The previously mentioned genes
are among the most widespread in the world. In Peru, they were first
reported in 2013 (19). These strains use a plasmid diffusion
mechanism that facilitates replication in accelerated proportions and with
low energy consumption, which allows the transfer of genes, such as those
related to anti-microbial resistance, favoring their dissemination in
hospitals and larger regions. This study reports for the
first time the co-production of blaIMP/VIM carbapenemases in P.
aeruginosa strains, found in 7.6% (n=14) of the total samples from five
HCIs in Lima, Loreto and Callao. Its existence can be explained by plasmid
transmission since both are encoded by class 1 integrons that have been
described since 2006 in Poland (20). Their importance for public
health lies in their simple transmission mechanism and the consequent
multiplying and disseminating effect related to antibacterial resistance. Class D carbapenemases were
the second most frequent (24.9%), with 27 strains with the blaOXA24-like
gene in Acinetobacter spp. from nine HCIs from Cusco, Ica, La
Libertad, Lambayeque, Lima and Callao; and 19 with the blaOXA23-like
gene in five HCIs from Junín, Loreto, Lima and Callao. No strains with
blaOXA 48-like, blaOXA58-like and blaOXA143-like genes
were found despite the fact that specific primers were created for them. In
the scientific literature, the blaOXA-24 gene was identified for the
first time in 1997 in Spain and blaOXA-23 for the first time in 1997
in Scotland (8). In Peru these genes were isolated for the first
time in 2014 at HCIs in Lima (19), and possess an amplified
spectrum of activity on cephalosporins and carbapenems. An example of this
is Acinetobacter baumannii, which has acquired antibiotic resistance
mechanisms through the production of oxacillinase, in addition to resistance
against carbapenems, aminoglycosides, quinolones and polymyxins, which
complicates treatment, not only considering the broad spectrum of resistance
but also the limitations in diagnosis and lack of standardized phenotypic
methods. This shows that antimicrobial resistance is frequent in our country
and limits the use of effective therapies against diseases, favoring the
growth and dissemination of resistant pathogens, with the consequent
extension of hospital stay, increased health costs, higher rates of
mortality and long-term complications. The limitations of this
study include non-probabilistic sampling, since strains from different HCIs
were received as part of the diagnostic control processes, the selection of
the strains depended on the strain sent. For this reason, the results of the
study cannot be extrapolated to all of Peru, however they are important
because they report the presence of specific strains and genes of global
surveillance that are present in the country. In conclusion, 185 strains
with the presence of class A, B and D carbapenemase enzymes were identified
in strains from 30 HCIs in Peru during 2019. Their prevalence was 59.7%,
class B was the most frequent, and the most detected genes were blaNDM,
blaIMP, blaOXA24-like, blaKPC and blaOXA23-like. Acknowledgments: To the Biologist Juan
Pacori, Technician Eva Huamani Benites, Geographer Arnold Cabana Peceros and
the staff of the Epidemiology and Microbiology Area of the HCIs who provided
the strains. Author contributions:
MMB, JRI, conceptualized the research, carried out the process, data
analysis, drafting of the manuscript and critical revision. LPE and MYM
conceptualized the research, performed the data analysis, drafting of the
manuscript and critical revision. All authors approved the final version of
the manuscript. Conflicts of interest:
None. Funding:
Self-funded study with resources and personnel from the National Referrral
Laboratory of Intrahospital Infections of the Instituto Nacional de Salud
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Maritza Miriam Mayta Barrios; Jr. Cápac Yupanqui 1400- Jesús María, Lima 11,
Perú; Cite as:
Mayta-Barrios MM, Ramirez-Illescas JJ, Pampa-Espinoza L, Yagui-Moscoso MJA.
Molecular characterization of carbapenemases in Peru during 2019. Rev Peru
Med Exp Salud Publica. 2021;38(1):113-8. doi: Received: 27/05/2020 Approved: 30/09/2020 Online: 02/02/2021
Juan José Ramirez-Illescas 1, Biologist
Luis Pampa-Espinoza 2, Infectologist Physician
Martin Javier Alfredo Yagui-Moscoso 2, Clinical Pathologist
2 Unidad de Intervenciones Estratégicas, Instituto Nacional de
Salud, Lima, Perú.