Urban COVID-19 endemism in Petrópolis: detection of an endemic focus by spatial analysis
SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19, Pandemics, Ecoepidemiology, Disease Hotspot, Spatial Analysis, BrazilAbstract
This study aimed to identify an ecosystem of urban endemism that explains the persistence of SARSCoV-2 during the first 18 months of the pandemic in the municipality of Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. We analyzed official records of monthly COVID-19 cases, georeferenced according to the residence address of each confirmed case. Monthly heat maps identifying points with different spatial densities of the disease were constructed by applying the kernel methodology. Heat spots with five intensity levels were identified for the spatial density of cases. The points of highest intensity, known as hotspots, remained constant throughout the period in a polygon of approximately 4 km2 located in the center of the city of Petrópolis. In conclusion, we found that the highest concentration of cases remained in the same location over time, despite the sporadic dispersion of cases within the municipal territory.
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