Aedes aegypti feeding behavior during dengue outbreaks in two rural areas of Peru during the Yaku cyclone and El Niño phenomenon of 2023




Aedes aegypti, Polymerase Chain Reaction, Polymorphism, Restriction Fragment Length, DNA


Objective. To determine the feeding behavior of Aedes aegypti in dengue outbreaks in two rural areas of Peru during the Yaku cyclone and El Niño phenomenon of  2023. Material and methods. Eight blood samples (8 pools) were obtained from the abdomen of 80 Aedes  aegypti specimens captured in the rural districts of  Querecotillo and Marcavelica during the Yaku cyclone  and El Niño dengue outbreaks. DNA was extracted from the analyzed samples, then a PCR was directed at the  CytB gene as a genetic marker and the PCR products were enzymatically digested with the restrictases Hae III and Mwo I. The PCR-RFLP products were visualized by agarose gel electrophoresis at 4%. Results. DNA was  obtained from all samples and a 358 bp amplicon was obtained as a PCR product. Likewise, the only RFLP  found in Hae III was from Homo sapiens sapiens (233 and 125 bp). RFLP was not found in Hae III of Gallus gallus and RFLP in Mwo I of Canis familiaris and Mus
musculus. Conclusion. Aedes aegypti showed conserved anthropophilic feeding behavior in dengue outbreaks in rural areas during the Yaku cyclone and El Niño.


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How to Cite

Ruiz-Polo AA, Santillan-Valdivia RE, Saavedra-Rios CY, Nuñez-Rodriguez CM, Niño-Mendoza LE. Aedes aegypti feeding behavior during dengue outbreaks in two rural areas of Peru during the Yaku cyclone and El Niño phenomenon of 2023. Rev Peru Med Exp Salud Publica [Internet]. 2024 Sep. 3 [cited 2024 Oct. 15];41(3):266-72. Available from: