About the Journal
Focus and Scope
The Revista Peruana de Medicina Experimental y Salud Pública (RPMESP) is a scientific journal published by the Instituto Nacional de Salud (INS) of Peru. It is a quarterly, open-access, peer-reviewed journal that is indexed in MEDLINE, SCOPUS, EMBASE, SciELO Public Health, among other international databases. It is available in printed and electronic versions and does not charge the authors for publication. The RPMESP addresses topics in the field of public health and experimental medicine, highlighting contributions to the improvement of the health situation in Peru and the world. The RPMESP receives and publishes articles in Spanish and English.
Peer Review Process
Editorial evaluation:
Submitted articles will be presented to the RPMESP Editorial Committee, which is composed of a multidisciplinary team of experts, members of leading research institutions. Each article is assigned to an associate editor. The editors present each assigned article to the RPMESP Editorial Committee who will evaluate if it complies with the instructions for authors, if it is within the thematic area of the journal, if it presents any methodological problems that invalidate its results or if it contributes to the generation of new scientific knowledge; then, the committee will decide if the article is accepted for peer review or otherwise it will be returned to the author.
All communications of the editorial processes will be made only between the assigned editor and the corresponding author of each article.
The members of the RPMESP Editorial Committee who are authors of manuscripts must comply with the requirements specified in these Instructions for Authors, and the editorial process will be carried out according to what is stipulated therein. These manuscripts will follow the editorial process without the participation of the member of the Editorial Committee involved, that is, he/she will not participate in the sessions of the Editorial Committee where his/her article is reviewed or decided upon, nor will he/she know the assigned reviewers. In addition, the members of the RPMESP Editorial Committee will declare their potential conflicts of interest in such articles.
Peer review:
The peer review arranged by the Editorial Committee seeks to guarantee the quality of the published articles. Research articles are evaluated by two or more national or foreign reviewers, selected according to their expertise in the subject, based on their publications and their professional or academic experience. Likewise, reviewers with expertise in biostatistics and epidemiology will focus on the methodological aspects of the studies. In all cases, the participation of the reviewers is anonymous and ad honorem.
At the end of “Step 1: Start submission” of the OJS system, authors may include the data of four possible reviewers for their manuscript (full name, academic degree, affiliation, e-mail), who should not be directly related to the authors.
The reviewers’ reasoned comments may conclude the following: a) publishable without modifications; b) publishable with minor comments for improvement of the article; c) publishable with major comments, the response to which is essential before accepting the article; d) with invalidating comments, it is recommended not to publish the article. For original articles, reviewers may suggest that the article be published as a brief report.
Depending on the reviewers’ comments, the Editorial Committee will decide whether to approve the article for publication, not to approve it, or to send the comments to the author.
Open Access Policy
RPMESP grants immediate open access to its content, based on the principle that free access to research favors the global exchange of knowledge. The journal uses the Creative Commons 4.0 International (CC BY NC 4.0).
Fees for the reception or publication of articles
The RPMESP does not impose charges or fees for the publication of articles submitted by authors or for the receipt of manuscripts.
The Revista Peruana de Medicina Experimental y Salud Pública is indexed or abstracted in:
- MEDLINE: Index Medicus / U.S. National Library of Medicine
- SCOPUS: Database of Abstracts and Citations for Scholarly Journal Articles.
- SciELO Salud Pública: Scientific Electronic Library Online Salud Publica - Bireme, Brasil.
- SciELO Perú: Scientific Electronic Library Online - Perú.
- LATINDEX : Sistema Regional de Información en Línea para Revistas Científicas en América Latina, El Caribe, España y Portugal.
- LILACS: Literatura Latinoamericana en Ciencias de la Salud
- Academic Search Complete: Grupo EBSCO
- DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journal
- EMBASE: Excerpta Medica Database / Elsevier B.V.
- HINARI: Health Internet Network Access to Research Initiative
- IMBIOMED: Índice Mexicano de Revistas Biomédicas Latinoamericanas
- LIPECS: Literatura Peruana en Ciencias de la Salud
- REPIDISCA: Red Panamericana de Información en Salud Ambiental
- ALICIA: Acceso Libre a Información Científica para la Innovación (CONCYTEC)
- Europe PMC
Journal History
The Revista Peruana de Medicina Experimental y Salud Pública is the official journal of the Instituto Nacional de Salud del Perú with the aim of promoting health research and disseminating scientific knowledge nationally and internationally. Since its creation in 1942, our journal has evolved together with the institution, always seeking to remain at the forefront of health research.
Publication began in October 1942 under the name of Revista de Medicina Experimental - Volume 1 Numbers 1 and 2, with the aim of being the official organ for scientific diffusion of the then Instituto Nacional de Higiene y Salud Pública. The first issue was edited by Dr. Carlos Gutiérrez Noriega and Dr. Telémaco Battistini. This journal was published quarterly until 1960 and was the first step towards what today is the Revista Peruana de Medicina Experimental y Salud Pública.
In 1946 the Editorial Committee was constituted as follows: Director: Dr. Telémaco Battistini; Editorial Secretary: Dr. Oscar Miro Quesada; Editorial Committee: doctors Celso Arellano, Víctor Ayulo, Germán Battistini, Aristides Herrer, Julio Pons M., Oscar Rondón, Pedro Weiss and Vicente Zapata. Later, doctors Luis Gonzales Mugaburu, José Madalengoitia, René Solís, Julio Morales, Felipe Llanos, Jorge Díaz and others joined the group.
After that golden age, the Revista de Medicina Experimental experienced an extended editorial silence for 37 years. During that period, in its place, another official publication of the institution was issued, which had a technical-scientific communication nature, initially called: Boletín de los Institutos Nacionales de Salud. This publication continued was printed until 2009.
In 1997, the publication of the Revista de Medicina Experimental - Second Era was resumed, with volume XIV, corresponding to 1997 and volume XV to 1998, commemorating the 61st and 62nd Anniversary of the Institution (1936-1997) and (1936-1998), respectively. At that time, Dr. Carlos Carrillo was the Director of the Institute and Dr. César Cabezas and Dr. César Náquira were responsible for the edition, to whom were added, since 1999 and in successive years, Drs. Zuño Burstein, Pedro Álvarez, Aída Palacios (as President of the Editorial Committee), Alfredo Guillén, among others; the administrative responsibility was assumed by Dr. Leonid Lecca as Editor. In 2001, the Revista de Medicina Experimental changed its name to Revista Peruana de Medicina Experimental y Salud Pública.