Occupational health in high altitudes stevedores: the workers of the wholesale markets from Huancayo, 2006
Occupational health, Working conditions, Occupational risks, Ergonomics, Anthropometry, AltitudeAbstract
Objectives. Knowing the conditions of hygiene and safety of the stowage work process and their relationship with the health of workers engaged in this activity. Materials and methods. Observational study was performed in potato stevedores from wholesale markets of Huancayo, Peru (3350 m). Anthropometric evaluation was using international parameters; working conditions were assessed by direct observation, and ergonomic using the REBA and OWAS methods. We performed a clinical and traumatological examination, and assessed the job satisfaction and levels of anxiety and depression with the Zung scale. Results. We evaluated 105 workers, stevedores were 72.4%, 25.7% “cabeceadores” and 1.9% manual carriers of load, their average height was 159.9 ± 5.8 cm, handled bags of 150 kg daily and can mobilize between 10 to 20 tons. We found positions as inadequate bending neck> 60º, high bending arms, trunk flexion> 60º and bending movements with trunk rotation, qualifying this activity ergonomic as very high risk. 55% had low back pain, 42% dorsal hyperkyphosis, 62% referred satisfaction with their work, did not have depressive symptoms 77% and 62% anxiety symptoms. Conclusions. The process of stevedoring work is risky for the health of workers, due to extremely excessive weight managing, and therefore should be regulated reducing the weight of cargo to international standards (55 kg). Action is needed, especially in terms of good technical training in transport and handling load.Downloads
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Vigil L, Gutiérrez R, Cáceres W, Collantes H, Beas J. Occupational health in high altitudes stevedores: the workers of the wholesale markets from Huancayo, 2006. Rev Peru Med Exp Salud Publica [Internet]. 2007 Dec. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];24(4). Available from: https://rpmesp.ins.gob.pe/index.php/rpmesp/article/view/1131