Chracteristics of original papers about plants properties in peruvian medical journals
Plants, medicinal, Phytotherapy, Bibliometrics, PeruAbstract
Objective: To determine the characteristics of the original papers about the plants properties published in Peruvian medical journals. Material and methods. We reviewed the bibliographic databases of SciELO Peru and SISBIB for the period 2004-2008. Results. We found 825 original papers in 14 journals, but only 45 were included to the study. The number of the included original papers by year was 3 (2004), 5 (2005), 9 (2006), 13 (2007) y 15 (2008). The journals that published the highest rate of original papers about plants were journals from medical faculties Rev Med Vallejiana (33%), Horizonte.Médico.(29%) y.An.Fac.Med (13%). The institutions that developed more studies were Universidad. Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (45,5%),í (22%) y (13%). from 226 authors, 11 were the most productive authors with the 22,1% of the total production. from 57 studied plants, the most investigated were Lepidium sp. (maca), Croton palanostigma (sangre de grado), Calophyllum brasiliense (lagarto caspi) and Smallanthus sonchifolius (yacón). The potential uses of the plants more researched were nutritional, antineoplastic, antioxidative, hypoglycemic and arterial hypotensive. There were only six (13,3%) clinical studies and the rest was experimental or biochemical. Conclusions. The published scientific medical production related to the plant properties is scanty but growing, mainly done in the public and private universities with almost null participation of the private enterprise. There is an elite of highly-producing authors.Downloads
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Pamo-Reyna OG. Chracteristics of original papers about plants properties in peruvian medical journals. Rev Peru Med Exp Salud Publica [Internet]. 2009 Sep. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 4];26(3). Available from: