Estimation of economic costs for the care of patients with nosocomial pneumonia in a regional Peruvian hospital, 2009–2011


  • Bernardo Dámaso-Mata Hospital II Red Asistencial Huánuco EsSalud. Huánuco, Perú. Facultad Medicina Universidad Nacional Hermilio Valdizán. Huánuco, Perú.
  • Jesús Chirinos-Cáceres Facultad de Salud Pública y Administración Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia. Lima, Perú.
  • Luz Menacho-Villafuerte Hospital II Red Asistencial Huánuco EsSalud. Huánuco, Perú.



Costs and cost analysis, Cost allocation, Economics, Cost of illness


Objectives. To estimate and compare the economic costs for the care of patients with and without nosocomial pneumonia at Hospital II Huánuco EsSalud during 2009–2011, in Peru. Materials and Methods. This was a partial economic evaluation of paired cases and controls. A collection sheet was used. Dependent variable: nosocomial pneumonia. Independent variables: direct health costs, direct non-health costs, indirect costs, occupation, age, comorbidities, sex, origin, and education level. A bivariate analysis was performed. Results. Forty pairs of cases and controls were identified. These patients were hospitalized for >2 weeks and prescribed more than two antibiotics. The associated direct health costs included those for hospitalization, antibiotics, auxiliary examinations, specialized assessments, and other medications. The direct non-health costs and associated indirect costs included those for transportation, food, housing, foregone payroll revenue, foregone professional fee revenue, extra-institutional expenses, and payment to caregivers during hospitalization and by telephone. Conclusions. The direct health costs for nosocomial pneumonia patients were more than three times and the indirect costs were more than two times higher than those for the controls. Variables with the greatest impact on costs were identified.


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How to Cite

Dámaso-Mata B, Chirinos-Cáceres J, Menacho-Villafuerte L. Estimation of economic costs for the care of patients with nosocomial pneumonia in a regional Peruvian hospital, 2009–2011. Rev Peru Med Exp Salud Publica [Internet]. 2016 Jun. 2 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];33(2):233-40. Available from: