Clinical-epidemiological characteristics of dengue deaths during an outbreak in northern Peru




Dengue fever, Mortality, Medical Records, Epidemiology, Peru


Objective: To describe the clinical-epidemiological characteristics of patients who died from dengue during 2017. Methods: We conducted a retrospective study of the information related to cases of dengue deaths in the department of Piura. Results: We reviewed 24 medical records. Sixty-seven percent were women and 3 (12.5%) were pregnant. Diabetes (12.5%) and hypertension (16.7%) were the most frequent comorbidities. Previous dengue fever was reported in only 12.5%. The time from health care and death was 4.10 ± 5.34 days. Red blood cell transfusions were performed in 45.8%, plasma in 25%, platelets in 16.8% and cryoprecipitate in 16.8% of cases. Crystalloid therapy (91.7%) and treatment with vasoactive drugs (70.8%) were also frequent. In conclusion, mortality from severe dengue fever was predominantly in adult women, and the time of care from the first health facility to a specialized unit was prolonged.


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Brief Report

How to Cite

Luque N, Cilloniz C, Pons MJ, Donaires F, Albornoz R, Mendocilla-Risco M, et al. Clinical-epidemiological characteristics of dengue deaths during an outbreak in northern Peru. Rev Peru Med Exp Salud Publica [Internet]. 2023 Mar. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];40(1):67-72. Available from:

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