Adaptation to Quechua Collao and psychometric analysis of the generalized anxiety questionnaire (GAD-7) in Puno, Peru




Anxiety disorder, anxiety, GAD-7, indigenous peoples


Objetives. Adapt from English to the cultural and linguistic context of Collao Quechua and analyze the
psychometric properties of the 7-item Generalized Anxiety Questionnaire (GAD-7) in Puno, Peru. Material and methods. The GAD-7 in its original version was  translated into the Collao variety of Quechua and its psychometric properties were analyzed. The participants were bilingual (Spanish and Quechua) over 18 years of age and of both sexes. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was evaluated using parallel analysis, confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and goodness-of-fit indices; Reliability was also analyzed using McDonald’s classic alpha and Omega. Results. The judges and focus group participants carried out the cultural and linguistic adaptation of the GAD-7 to Collao Quechua; the EFA reported the presence of a single factor (KMO=0.88, p=0.01); while the CFA confirmed adequate adjustments in the unifactor model (CFI=0.994; TLI=0.991;  SRMR=0.027; RMSEA=0.092), good reliability (α=0.896; ω=0.894) and was also invariant in age groups, sex, marital status and level of education. Conclusions. The questionnaire presented validity for a unidimensional model of the GAD-7 adapted to Quechua Collao, as well as optimal reliability and invariance by the groups  evaluated. Its use could benefit anxiety research and care.



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How to Cite

Cjuno J, Villegas-Mejía RA, Coronado-Fernández J. Adaptation to Quechua Collao and psychometric analysis of the generalized anxiety questionnaire (GAD-7) in Puno, Peru. Rev Peru Med Exp Salud Publica [Internet]. 2024 Jun. 21 [cited 2024 Oct. 22];41(2):121-8. Available from:

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