Procedure for culture and identification of stem cells from human lipoaspirate for research purposes


  • Salyoc Tapia-Rojas Laboratorio de Cultivo Celular e Inmunología, Instituto de Medicina Regenerativa, Universidad Científica del Sur, Lima, Perú. Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú. Bachiller en Genética y Biotecnología
  • Ana Mayanga-Herrera Laboratorio de Cultivo Celular e Inmunología, Instituto de Medicina Regenerativa, Universidad Científica del Sur, Lima, Perú. bióloga genetista biotecnóloga, maestra en Ciencias con especialidad en Biotecnología
  • Javier Enciso-Gutiérrez Laboratorio de Cultivo Celular e Inmunología, Instituto de Medicina Regenerativa, Universidad Científica del Sur, Lima, Perú. médico veterinario zootecnista, magíster en Ciencias Veterinarias con mención en Patología
  • Patricio Centurion Clínica Delgado, Lima, Perú. médico cirujano, especialista en Cirugía Plástica
  • José Amiel-Pérez Laboratorio de Cultivo Celular e Inmunología, Instituto de Medicina Regenerativa, Universidad Científica del Sur, Lima, Perú. químico farmacéutico, doctor en Farmacia y Bioquímica.



Stem Cells, Regenerative Medicine, Adipose Tissue, Cell Separation, Primary Cell Culture


Human stem cells are born with the creation of life itself and some of them remain throughout life. Therefore, they can be found in adult tissues and used for basic and applied research. Currently, in our country there is a growing interest in the study and application of stem cells; however, little is known about the identification procedure. For this reason, this study aims to present, from a practical point of view, a procedure for the culture and identification of stem/stromal cells obtained from human lipoaspirate (Adipose Stem Cells), for research purposes. This procedure includes the immunophenotype characterization, cell differentiation potential, gene expression and cell culture quality control; and will serve as support for Peruvian scientific community professionals who wish to develop this line of research.


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How to Cite

Tapia-Rojas S, Mayanga-Herrera A, Enciso-Gutiérrez J, Centurion P, Amiel-Pérez J. Procedure for culture and identification of stem cells from human lipoaspirate for research purposes. Rev Peru Med Exp Salud Publica [Internet]. 2020 Aug. 12 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];37(3):547-53. Available from: