Breast cancer in northern Peru: molecular subtypes and HER2 low
Breast Neoplasms, inmunohistochemistry, receptor ErbB-2, biomarkers tumorAbstract
This study aimed to understand the immunohistochemical profile of breast cancer and to identify the HER2 low subgroup in the northern macro-region of Peru. A cross-sectional study was conducted in
1176 patients from the Regional Institute of Neoplastic Diseases Northern Peru, from January 2016 to December 2023. We analyzed the data (age, histological type, grade and complementary results), with frequencies and percentages. The profile corresponded to: luminal B (45.6%); luminal A (24.7%); triple negative (18.2%); and HER2 positive non luminal (11.5%). In addition, 215 patients presented HER2 low (25.1% of those previously considered negative). This study provides evidence that the subtyping of breast cancer has changed, being luminal B the most frequent. It is essential to involve health policies to acquire targeted therapies considering HER2 low patients.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Katherine Gómez-Rázuri, Milagros Abad-Licham, Juan Astigueta, Joan Moreno

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