Traumatic brain injury in children attending a national hospital in Lima, Peru 2004-2011


  • Daniel Guillén-Pinto Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia. Lima, Perú. Unidad de Neuropediatría, Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia. Lima, Perú. Neurólogo pediatra.
  • Alonso Zea-Vera Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia. Lima, Perú. Neurólogo pediatra.
  • Daniel Guillén-Mendoza Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia. Lima, Perú. Neurólogo pediatra.
  • Miguel Situ-Kcomt Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia. Lima, Perú. Neurólogo pediatra.
  • Carolina Reynoso-Osnayo Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia. Lima, Perú. médico cirujano.
  • Luis M. Milla-Vera Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia. Lima, Perú. médico residente de neurología pediátrica.
  • Erika Bravo-Padilla Servicio de Neonatología, Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia. Lima, Perú. médico pediatra.
  • Iván O. Espinoza Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia. Lima, Perú. Unidad de Neuropediatría, Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia. Lima, Perú. Neurólogo pediatra.
  • María del Pilar Medina-Alva Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia. Lima, Perú. Unidad de Neuropediatría, Instituto Nacional Materno Perinatal. Lima, Perú. Neurólogo pediatra.



Brain injuries, Child, Accidents, home, Accidental falls, Hematoma, epidural, cranial


In order to describe the characteristics of traumatic brain injury (TEC) in children seen at the Cayetano Heredia National Hospital from 2004 to 2011, a case study was conducted. 316, 14 year-old minors were included, the median age was 4 ± 3 years old. 63.9% were male. The main causes of TEC were falls (80.1%) and car accidents (10.4%). 42.4% (134/316) occurred in the afternoon. There was a higher incidence of falls at home (59.2%). The epidural hematoma (26.9%) was the most common intracraneal injury. Intensive care management and neurosurgical interventions were required in 15.8 and 14.2% of cases respectively. It is concluded that domestic falls were the main cause of accidents for TEC and epidural hematoma the most common intracranial injury where children under 5 were the most affected.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Guillén-Pinto D, Zea-Vera A, Guillén-Mendoza D, Situ-Kcomt M, Reynoso-Osnayo C, Milla-Vera LM, et al. Traumatic brain injury in children attending a national hospital in Lima, Peru 2004-2011. Rev Peru Med Exp Salud Publica [Internet]. 2014 Mar. 11 [cited 2025 Mar. 31];30(4). Available from:

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