Incidence and associated factors to adverse reactions of the initial antiretroviral treatment in patients with HIV


  • Juan Astuvilca Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Lima, Perú. Sociedad Científica de San Fernando. Lima, Perú. Estudiantes de medicina.
  • Yanet Arce-Villavicencio Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Lima, Perú. Sociedad Científica de San Fernando. Lima, Perú. Estudiantes de medicina.
  • Raúl Sotelo Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Lima, Perú. Sociedad Científica de San Fernando. Lima, Perú. Estudiantes de medicina.
  • José Quispe Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Lima, Perú. Sociedad Científica de San Fernando. Lima, Perú. Estudiantes de medicina.
  • Regina Guillén Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Lima, Perú. Estudiantes de medicina.
  • Lillian Peralta Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Lima, Perú. Estudiantes de medicina.
  • Jorge Huaringa Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Lima, Perú. Estudiantes de medicina.
  • César Gutiérrez Departamento Académico de Medicina Preventiva y Salud Pública, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Lima-Perú. Médico epidemiólogo.



HIV/AIDS, Highly active antiretroviral therapy, Adverse drug reaction reporting system, Incidence


The high incidence of adverse reactions to the high activity antiretroviral treatment (HAART) in patients with HIV/AIDS, can affect their quality of life and adherence to the treatment. Objectives: To determinate the incidence of adverse reactions to the initial HAART and to identify the factors associated to the occurrence of adverse reactions when receiving this therapy. Material and methods: Historic cohort study. The population was conformed by all the HIV-infected adult patients (≥18 years old) receiving HAART for the first time in “Arzobispo Loayza” National Hospital. 353 clinic histories were reviewed and their respective control cards. The following for 360 days alter the first prescription was realized. Results: It was found an accumulated incidence of 66,7% adverse reactions to initial HAART and an incidence density of 9,1 events of adverse reactions for 10 persons-year of follow-up (95%CI: 8,1-10,1); being anemia (23,4%), nausea (20,6%) and rash (17,2%) the most frequent adverse reactions. It was found significant associations with the following factors: drug use (OR 2,40; 95%CI: 1,01-5,67); alcohol consume (OR 0,32; 95%CI: 0,19-0,55) and AIDS stadium (OR 0,20; 95%CI: 0,04-0,95). Conclusions: There is a high incidence of adverse reactions to initial HAART, being anemia the most frequent. The drug consume is a risk factor to present adverse reactions.


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How to Cite

Astuvilca J, Arce-Villavicencio Y, Sotelo R, Quispe J, Guillén R, Peralta L, et al. Incidence and associated factors to adverse reactions of the initial antiretroviral treatment in patients with HIV. Rev Peru Med Exp Salud Publica [Internet]. 2007 Sep. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 6];24(3). Available from:

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