Pragmativ clinical trial in trauma: crash 2 trial in Perú


  • Alonso Soto Hospital Nacional Hipólito Unanue. Lima, Perú. Médico internista.
  • Elfi Torres Hospital Nacional Hipólito Unanue. Lima, Perú. Médico emergenciólogo.
  • José Caballero Hospital Regional Docente. Trujillo, Perú. Cirujano general.
  • Wenceslao Azabache-Puente Hospital Regional Docente. Trujillo, Perú. Cirujano general.
  • César E. Malca-Polo Clínica Santa Ana. Trujillo, Perú. Médico emergenciólogo.
  • Marco Gonzáles-Portillo Hospital Nacional Dos de Mayo. Lima, Perú. Neurocirujano.
  • Diana Rodriguez-Hurtado Hospital Nacional Arzobispo Loayza. Lima, Perú. Médico internista.
  • Juan Vélez-Temoche Hospital La Caleta. Chimbote, Perú. Cirujano general.
  • Edgar Nuñez-Huerta Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia. Lima, Perú. Cirujano general.
  • Anselmo Moya-Charcape Hospital José Cayetano Heredia. Piura, Perú. Cirujano general.
  • Jorge Flores del Pozo Hospital Municipal Los Olivos. Lima, Perú. Cirujano general.
  • Pedro J. Lagos-Poma Hospital III EsSalud. Huancayo, Perú. Médico emergenciólogo.
  • Hernán Cruz-Yupanqui Hospital de Apoyo de Sullana. Piura, Perú. Cirujano general.
  • J. Jaime Miranda London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Londres, United Kingdom. Médico epidemiólogo.



Antifibrynolitics, Tranexamic acid, Clinical trial, Traffic accidents


CRASH-2 is a pragmatic clinical trial which evaluates the efficacy of a widely available, low cost antifibrinolytic for the prevention of mortality and bleeding in patients with trauma. In this article we present some issues related to the magnitude of the problem as well as the need for research in trauma relevant to the Peruvian context. The rationale for the CRASH-2 trial and the Peruvian experience up to date are also discusse.


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How to Cite

Soto A, Torres E, Caballero J, Azabache-Puente W, Malca-Polo CE, Gonzáles-Portillo M, et al. Pragmativ clinical trial in trauma: crash 2 trial in Perú. Rev Peru Med Exp Salud Publica [Internet]. 2008 Mar. 31 [cited 2025 Feb. 13];25(1). Available from:

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