Experiences of users and family members on the care received at community mental health centers in Lima and Callao during the COVID-19 pandemic
Attention, Mental Health, Users, Caregivers, Community Mental Health CenterAbstract
Objective. To understand the experiences of new and continuing users of Community Mental Health Centers (CMHC) of Lima and Callao, and their relatives, regarding the mental health care they received during the COVID-19 pandemic. Materials and methods. Qualitative study conducted between September 2021 and February 2022, in which we interviewed 24 users and family members who interacted with the services provided by three CMHCs in Lima and one in Callao during the COVID-19 pandemic. We carried out a thematic analysis of the transcribed interviews. Results. Participants perceived that the pandemic exacerbated the symptoms of people with mental health problems. During the pandemic, mental health care relied on the use of technology, mainly telephone calls, which were used to monitor the emotional state and pharmacological treatment of users, as well as to schedule and remember appointments. The users emphasized that frequent telephone calls made them feel accompanied and
highlighted the commitment of the CMHC workers. Among the difficulties, they reported an increase in the demand for care, problems in accessing video calls, and low quality in virtual care. Conclusions. COVID-19 had an emotional impact on people with mental health problems; in turn, CMHC services were affected by the type of care (face-to-face or virtual), resources, frequency, time and quality of care, finding limitations and benefits in the use of technology.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Noelia Cusihuaman-Lope, Ana L. Vilela-Estrada, Victoria Cavero, David Villarreal-Zegarra, Francisco Diez-Canseco

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.